How To Add Value Without Giving Away Too Much Content

“If I give you something of value that you perceived to be valuable, you’re going to feel an obligation to return back to me something of equal value in return.”

This quote I pulled somewhere talks about the gist of the Rule of Reciprocity that came from Robert Cialdini’s best-selling book, Influence: The Power of Persuasion


But in my humble (but accurate) opinion, this Rule caused a lot of troubles and miseries…

…Especially in the lives of business owners.

Well, for the record, I’m not blaming Cialdini.

The fault lies in the way we understood and apply this so-called ‘universal rule.’

You see, the Rule of Reciprocity says that people feel obligated, even forced, to give back to you whatever you give to them.

Business owners took it to the extreme by saying that your customer will only buy from you if you offer them something valuable first.

So you created loads of free super valuable content — a free eBook, free 1:1 coaching, free online course, free meal.

You give 99% of what you know to compel people to buy from you.

And so far, it seems working.

Your potential clients are happy and they won’t stop thanking you.

But when it’s time to launch your product, what happens?


Those people who consumed all your free resources are nowhere to be found.

Heck, some of them will even get angry at you for trying to sell them something.

And there are others who will ask, “Well, you already give us a lot of information. Why should we buy from you?”

It’s freaking heartbreaking.

Don’t worry though, because there’s another way to market business without giving away the farm along with the kids.

This might sound strange, but you can actually add value without giving away too much content.

Here’s how to do it:



Whenever you talk about your ideal client’s problems, they tend to listen.

And even if you don’t give them the solution inside your content, they will still listen.


Because it’s super relevant to them.

You’re talking about a topic that is really close to their heart.

And they won’t mind you talking about it over and over again.

Have you ever had that one friend who won’t stop talking about his or her problems?

It’s funny but you’ll notice that people don’t get tired when they are telling you about their problem.

Do this in your content and people will continue listening to you.



Here’s the thing: The solution is you.

So if they want to get their problem solved, then they need to buy your product or hire your services.

The key here is to be so clear about the problem, but very vague when talking about the solution.

Don’t share the dirty details of how you will solve their problem if they come to you.

Think about it: When you come to a doctor, you don’t expect that they’ll give you the solution right away.

No. What they do is to talk about your symptoms first — your problems — then, they give you the solution.

If it’s medicine, you need to buy it.

If it’s an operation, you need to pay for it.

See the pattern here?

Talk more about the problem. But they need to pay to get the solution.



Teasing your solution is one of the best ways to make people buy from you.

How do you do it?

By giving them a bit some juicy information, but withholding a key piece that they need to implement the information.

Here’s an example:

Say you’re selling a weightless product for women.

You can talk about the importance of drinking a lot of water to lose weight.

But don’t just drink water.

They need to drink the right amount as well as the right kind.

Because if they drink too much or too little, they’ll gain weight.

And if they drink the wrong kind of water, they’ll gain weight as well.

Then, proceed to tell them…

“I talk about this in detail in my weightless product. Get it here.”

See what I did there?

You talk about their problem — losing weight.

You’re very vague about the solution — drink the right amount and right kind of water.

Then, you tease them about your product.

And that’s how you add value without giving away all your free stuff!



You don’t have to give away everything just to make people buy from you.

There are hundreds of tools and tactics that you can use to ‘persuade’ your potential buyers to try your product or hire your services.

The 3 steps I shared with you is enough to get you started.


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