Uhm… About That “Neediness…”

You’re here…

So I’m assuming you’re convinced that “NEEDINESS” can kill (or is killing) your business right now.

No worries. I got the perfect solution for you!

Here it is:

“Don’t focus on what you can’t control. (i.e. The Outcome)
Instead, focus on what you can control. (i.e. The Process)”

So don’t focus on losing the weight (you can’t control), instead focus on eating right and exercising regularly (you can control).

Don’t focus on having that money in the bank (you can’t control), instead focus on saving money and spending wisely (you can control).

Don’t focus on winning projects (you can’t control), instead focus and be consistent in your prospecting (you can control).

And when you do that, results will follow, your desired outcome will happen, and you’ll get what you want — eliminating NEEDINESS because you know things will come for you. (i.e. you don’t need to “beg” clients just to work with you, because you’re consistent and you know that lots of clients will come!)

That’s how you get rid of neediness.

And that’s how you become more attractive to potential clients you want to work with!

Now, speaking of getting clients…

I’m about to launch a new course about writing cold emails to get more clients and close more deals. It’s mainly for freelance copywriters like me. So if you’re a freelance copywriter, can you take a few seconds, HIT REPLY on my email and tell me…

“When it comes to getting clients consistently, what’s your single biggest challenge?”

If I get enough replies, I’m gonna do a mini-training on cold emails and share it with you for free.

‘Kay? Looking forward to your reply.

The Email Copy Guy,

Rom Rulida