The Borderline “Abusive” Way of Writing Profitable Emails

So you want more clients and more revenue for your biz?

Without spending a dime on ads?

Completely on autopilot?

Here’s a quick & simple 3-step tactic for you.

👉 Write 30 emails.

👉 Set it up on your autoresponder.

👉 And bring people inside your list to receive your emails daily.

Then, let your emails do the heavy-lifting of making people know, like and trust you. It’s really simple. No need to spend any money on ads. And you can move on to other parts of your biz as your emails create opportunities for you.

That’s it.

The key here is to make sure that your emails are really good.

And you can do that by simply talking a lot about your market’s pains, challenges, and problems.

I’ll let you in a little “secret”

According to marketing wizard Jay Abraham:

“The more accurately you can describe your reader’s problem in terms they relate to, the more they instinctively feel that you must have an answer to that problem.”

I mean, think about it…

If you’re suffering from back pain, and I come to you to describe what you’re going through — exactly how you would describe it — then, you’d probably think that I know what I’m talking about and I know how to solve it.

The same thing goes with your emails.

If your emails talk a lot about the problems of your market and you can paint the picture of what they’re going through the way they see it — then they’ll conclude that you know the solution.

No wonder we see doctors as geniuses.

If you want to learn how to write email-focused problem effectively, then Chapter 13 of my new book, Email Copywriting Handbook, talks about a ‘borderline abusive’ way to do this.

Grab it here for FREE while it’s still available:


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